The Fairbury Community Foundation has done a lot in the last few years. The backpack program has been very successful and the kids in need are having their needs met.
All kids need to start the school year off with the educational tools they need to keep up with their peers. The FCF has been able to keep this program going and growing and I am proud of the work done by Don Cook and the rest of the FCF board, which includes myself.
Another project we’ve been having success with his making sure there is meat in the food boxes given out monthly to families in need through the school. Don has worked overtime to secure enough meat so that every family can have proper nutrition and protein in their diet.
Founders Day also keeps us very busy. There will be some major announcements on the Sept. 10 event in the next few weeks.
We have been able to help shine a spotlight on the town through the annual dance and we have had some great ideas to help make the event this year really special.
Mother Tung is in fine form right now and ready to rock Fairbury on Sept. 10.
However, the FCF needs additional members. Pure manpower is needed. This means sharing ideas, making some phone calls, hitting the streets and helping those in need. Right now, we are getting stretched thin with what we do, and we aren’t working on new ideas, however, in order to maintain the projects we currently do, we need some bodies.
If anyone is interested in being on the board, call my office (402) 729-6141. It really isn’t a lot of manpower, just sharing ideas and following through on tasks.
If you would like to be a part of FCF